Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Writing Process

As a kid I always had a thing for reading, and writing my own stories. It wasn't really such a big passion for me until I got older, and I started to role-play on this site called Meez. I would spend hours just coming up with plots, and little stories that we would "sort of" make realistic only through the Internet. After awhile, I had pages of new fourms on that site where I was always coming up with a new storyline to play out, and that's what helped me become a lot better when it came to writing a paper for a class. When I would role-play I would write as if I was texting someone. It was kind of painful thing to read, however, as the years went on and the more I continued to do it I just got better at it.

The steps I took to write a paper was really simple. I would just write down my ideas, and pretty much brainstorm until I came up with something. It use to be a difficult thing to do because I would have so many ideas that when I would write one down more would follow right behind, and it became a hectic situation. The thing about that though is that it may become a little crazy at times, but it would give me a lot to talk about when writing a paper. I even use to look up videos, and took a class back in high school that taught students such as myself how to write a proper paper. I would also prepare myself ahead of time as well when it came to writing a paper. I think it actually works out very well for me because since then I've become better at writing a paper, and it's not something that I stress out over too much now.

I think the only thing I would possibly change when doing such is just to stay calm, and take it all in at one time. I tend to rush myself when it comes to writing a paper, and when things are rushed it doesn't always turn out right. I think keeping calm will be a lot easier for me. Also I feel like I should ask for help more often instead of trying to do it on my own.

Because the more help I get the better!